Organization | Feb 15, 2025 | Heather Smart | 2641 views
ANNOUNCEMENT: Rep Coaches (MD/B/BB) for 2025-2026
BLOMHA is pleased to announce our Rep coaches for the 2025-2026 season. Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply. Rep U10 - U18 evaluation (tryout) registration will open
online in April.

Division |
Coach |
U8 |
Matthew Beaton |
TBD (email [email protected] if you are interested in coaching a U8 MD team) |
U9 |
Travis Csoka |
Tom Gill |
U10 |
Steve Tyler |
Mike Taylor |
TBD (email [email protected] if you are interested in coaching a U10 BB team)
U11 |
Scott Galbraith |
Andrew McElroy |
Ryan Doyle |
U12 |
Glen Haley |
Duane Madgett |
U13 |
Robb Starr |
Taylor Bettinson |
U14 |
John Volk |
Mitch Ross |
U15 |
Pete Langlois |
Bryce Carter |
David Paolo |
U16 |
Steve Rector |
Steve Weiler |
U18 |
Jeff Dorsman |
Rob Gendron |