Applications (BLOMHA)




Referee and Timekeeper applications will be available online from June 1 - August 31, 2024, or until we receive sufficient applicants to fulfill our needs for this season.

BLOMHA is starting to plan for the new season.  Our planning involves recruiting referees.  Recruitment is done every year.

We are actively recruiting EXPERIENCED Referees for the 2024/2025 season.


In order to participate in the tryouts to become a BLOMHA Referee you must be at least 14 years old and fill out an application during the summer. Applications are available at the BLOMHA website. Someone from the Officiating Committee will communicate with you in August/September on the next steps in the process.

You will be invited to an on-ice session for evaluation of your skating skills. The best skaters of the group will be offered Referee positions.

If you are selected, you must attend an Alliance Level 1 Referee Clinic in the fall and you will be ready to start officiating in October or November. The cost of the clinic is approximately $150. You are required to purchase your referee's uniform.

This is a considerable investment, so make sure your commitment is for the long term. For the first season you may only officiate two to three games a week. If you continue as an official for several years, and you put a lot of effort into the program, you will have the opportunity to advance to Level 2 and 3 which will result in more responsibility and more financial reward.

All On-ice Officials start as Level 1.
In order to be considered for level 2 upgrade you must be 16 years old and pass the written test at a level 2 upgrade clinic.
In order to be considered for level 3 upgrade you must have been officiating at level 2 for at least 2 years AND you must demonstrate excellent on-ice skills, be recommended by a supervisor, attend a level 3 certification clinic, successfully complete a written test and complete 2 successful on-ice evaluations.

Hockey officials must be re-certified every year. This means you must attend, and be successful on the written test, a HCOP Certification Clinic before each season, otherwise you will not be allowed to officiate. The cost of the clinic is $140 - $160 each year.