October 12th-14th: Thanksgiving weekend
There WILL be ice sessions this weekend, however there will be no games - only practice. Players who are unable to attend are not to be penalized.
October 17th: Jr. Bulldogs begins
This is a weekly development program for player's born in 2012-2019. It takes place every Thursday until March and is a great companion to your player's House League season if they looking to get more ice time.
Click here for details!
October 19th/20th - the season kicks off!
November 1st - All House League bench staff in any position must complete required certifications & mandatory VSC submission (to the OHF) by this date.
Details can be found here.
November 2nd/3rd: Photo day for all divisions
January 18th - Make up photo day for all divisions. More information will be communicated in the new year.
December 9th: All VSC receipts submitted to the OHF
prior to Oct. 1 will expire
Your receipt is only to be submitted as a placeholder so you can be insured on a roster through the Hockey Canada Registration system. You must still submit the completed VSC once it is sent back to you by the police. If you have questions, email [email protected].
December 23rd-26th & 31st: No scheduled House League hockey ice sessions.
2025: U9 moves to full ice games
March 1st/2nd & 8th/9th: Initiation Program (U6-U8) will receive their medals during one of these ice sessions.
March 14th-16th: BLOMHA's March Meltdown House League Tournament
April 5th 2025: Minor Hockey Day
April 10th-13th: Alliance Hockey House League Championships in London, Ontario hosted by the Greater London Hockey Association. One team from each of the following divisions will be eligible to attend the championships: U9, U11, U13, U21
All players must appear on an approved Hockey Canada roster to be eligible to participate in the championships.