Certification Refund Request 2024-2025 (BLOMHA)


Certification Refund Request 2024-2025
Volunteers will be reimbursed half of the certification cost this season, and half next season if you choose to return. Please note that we reimburse certification fees a few times a season via cheque. If this timeline presents a problem for you, please email [email protected].

Reimbursement Details


All applicable receipts must be attached.

I understand this is not an immediate reimbursement. BLOMHA disperses certification reimbursements twice a year, December and March.

BLOMHA will send you an email when it is ready. I understand that I should wait for an email from BLOMHA for when my cheque is ready. 

BLOMHA will not issue a reimbursement if you if you have not fully completed the course. Please ensure you click through all modules, and the course registers as "competed" on your HCR profile (under "qualifications" tab).